sex, society and our youth.

guy sense. ..
where I am from, u see a guy walking with a hawt gal and u ask him.."are you tapping that ass? " and most definetely his answer will be YES when he knows very well that he hasn't even been close to getting it. now many of us would go ahead and call the guy a jerk bt then again I think society is to blame.
we are now In a world where the actual act of sex is so overated that kids in primary school go out of their way to indulge in it so as nt to feel left out .
its no longer a question of peer pressure anymore, we as society are setting the bar higher thus making it a competition,sex is now one of the things on everyones checklist, the sacredness and sanctity it used to have had long been eroded.
we need to help society realise that sex is not a trophy to be won that the more u get, the better you are. ....we need to show them that it's okay to wait and moreso,nothing to be ashamed of for lack of it it absteinance.
