Lawyers and Judges free to wear studs and dreadlocks in court says new CJ Mutunga.Lawyers and Judges free to wear studs and dreadlocks in court says new CJ Mutunga.

Lawyers are free to appear in the
Supreme Court wearing studs or
dreadlocks, Chief Justice Willy
Mutunga says.
And judges will not wear “colonial
wigs and robes” and suggestions
would be sought from the public on
a simple robe that can be worn over
a suit.
Dr Mutunga, whose tenure at the
helm of the Judiciary started with a
break from tradition, chose social
network siteFacebook to make the
He was responding to queries by
young lawyers over his position on
studs and the dress code.
Appear smart
In the message on his Facebook
page on Tuesday, he says: “I can
say that the judges of the Supreme
Court have agreed that we have no
issues with anyone appearing
before it wearing their studs.”
“Our position is that as long as
officers of the court — both lawyers
and judges — can appear smart, a
stud or indeed dreadlocks should
not hinder the administration of
“At the Supreme Court, we shall not
be wearing colonial wigs and robes.
“We will encourage the Court of
Appeal and High Court to review
their dress code. We expect the
public to participate in the debate,”
he says..
