If you expect fidelity from your man
then do your part and stay faithful
to him. A man on the receiving end
of infidelity takes it as a challenge to
his very manhood. When a man
finds out that his woman has
cheated on him, he is more than
likely to also cheat on her in
retaliation.Cheating in retaliation is a
common avenue for the man on
the receiving end of infidelity to seek
validation. That he’s still a man..
then do your part and stay faithful
to him. A man on the receiving end
of infidelity takes it as a challenge to
his very manhood. When a man
finds out that his woman has
cheated on him, he is more than
likely to also cheat on her in
retaliation.Cheating in retaliation is a
common avenue for the man on
the receiving end of infidelity to seek
validation. That he’s still a man..
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